Are you satisfied??
I get to see that there are loads of trainers and coaches around the globe who promise to bring in satisfaction and fullness in a person through their transformation process. But I want you to understand the basics of satisfaction. What is satisfaction? When you do something and when you like what you have done, or when you have got what you always wanted, isn’t this called satisfaction?
In life a person performs his actions because of a few key aspects that he gets because of his action, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. And only when the person gets into the state of happiness / satisfaction, he gets into a better tranquility with life. Now when you get to accept that whatever has happened because of you, and you have done your best at that point of time, wouldn’t this mean being in satisfaction. For this you would have to keep doing your best all the time. Which means in your mind it would be registered that
In life a person performs his actions because of a few key aspects that he gets because of his action, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. And only when the person gets into the state of happiness / satisfaction, he gets into a better tranquility with life. Now when you get to accept that whatever has happened because of you, and you have done your best at that point of time, wouldn’t this mean being in satisfaction. For this you would have to keep doing your best all the time. Which means in your mind it would be registered that
When you imprint this in your mind, you would always move forward and be a better person in life.
Live Life to the fullest
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