I Am Fine Myself !!

I am totally fine! are you?? Ha Ha!! Now you don’t have to think about the bad things that’s on your shoulders now.. They have been lying there for long, You just don’t have to look at it now. Whether i am fine or not how does it affect in your well being? My wellness is not making you any better isn’t it so?
See, as individuals in the world EVERYBODY is fine, seriously! You may be fine physically even with a scar in your face, but the time you see a person without it, you are down, depressed.
All these years our life’s have been functioning like this, if my neighbor has three cars then i need four. I am sure now most people who are reading my blog can relate to what i am saying. Isn’t it true that the happiness in us fades when we compare ourselves with human being around. This generally brings out a inferiority complex in us. And in few other cases it brings out a superior one. Neither one is good.
Why compare?? You are a unique being, right? What you refer to as you is a totally unique being. There is no other person in the whole world who is similar to you in this world. Nor has one come across the same kind of experience with life as you do!! When you are so aware of the fact that "YOU ARE UNIQUE" then why compare..
Whether good or bad you can always be fine in life by just being yourself.
Live Life With Passion
Hey da i got directed to you through orkut.Macha when did you turn like this man.You write so well and your flowerhorn stuff to is gud da. Treat???
hello abishek,
sandhya here... went thru ur blog as soon as u gamme de link... am realy happy 2 kno dat u also have a passion 4 writing.... well done!!! gr8 job in fact..! dunno how u judged mine as a gud blog...? stil wunderng??!!? newyz i shud necesarily thank u for the compliments and praises..!! hope i get better in blogging in de coming days...! jus strt'd it becos i want'd 2 becom a journalist and i thot dis cud be my 1st move 2wudz it. but later on as i went thru other blogs (in the recent, incl. urs) it gave me a sense of inspiration and courage that even i cud do it.. nw itz more of a hobby!!!
way 2 go! do write more... we all wud be lukin fwd 4 more of it!!!
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