Friday, June 23, 2006

You Are An Amazing Marketer

In today’s world everybody is talking about marketing. I know a lot of people who have strived for years together to get into a B school to learn about marketing. All that they will be learning in the course is about segregation of the whole term. They would learn different methodologies which they could capitalize for marketing. On a general aspect What does marketing mean? Marketing generally means creating awareness, isn’t it so?

Now I want everybody who at this point of time has to privilege to read this blog that, YOU ARE A GREAT MARKETER. There is another school of thought, which says that you are a great sales man, I am not too sure about that. All that we have been doing right from our childhood is creating awareness. We are just making people around us know that we exist and that we can capable of doing something.

And, lol we have been using various tools to do that. First when we were young we just were throwing tan drums all around, peeing everywhere, litrally. Then later you found that, it was not the kind of attention that you needed so when you grew into the teens you started wearing "bright cloths or hardly any" to attract the opposite sex. And you created the necessary attention to get noticed. Now you have started a different process for creating awareness among people.

But the basic nature is that you were just creating awareness among people. Isn’t this called marketing, by doing this I don’t think you were selling yourself you were actually marketing yourself. Isn’t it so??

When the basics of marketing is creating awareness and when you have been practicing that for years together why is that you want to learn it as a subject. Don’t you think its you who could teach people around you.

Incase you would like to improve more on it, all that you have to do is to concentrate on the way in which you do. You have always been successful in marketing yourself. So all that you got to do is that,

Take charge, and remember you are the best when it comes to marketing..!!


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