He is a real SUPERHERO

It is so that I happen to have a very young buddy who is about 5 years old. His ultimate ambition in life is to become a superhero one day. He is actually too smart that he has already started believing that he already is one. Like this young chap everybody once had a vision of becoming a super hero one day. But the superhero keeps changing depending on time. Once it was Superman, then He-Man, then came Spiderman. In fact few girls here believe that even Barbie is a superhero.
Though we have always thought of becoming a super hero at some point of time in our life in the impressionable age we saw our DAD as a superhero. There were times when we acted so dumb that we believed if we do things like him we are as good as he is. We acted like him by shaving, scolding and lot more. We were just imitating him nothing more. Of course I am not exemption I wanted to be like my DAD. I was totally modeling him at some point of time in my life. Otherwise a normal human being like me could have never done something that would make people around me proud off at this age.
I train a lot of kids too. And according to my calculation about 95% or more of kids has a vision of becoming as human as his/her father. I am pretty aware that you also as a kid wanted to be like your father, isn’t it so? Yes you did.
And you also got to understand that he is not just a superhero. He is more than that, he is not a creation for you. He is a CREATOR. All the physical dimensions that you experience now is just because of him.
I love you DAD.
When you understand now as to how important he is in your life take this moment to call him and tell him how much you love him.
yup!! u r right. even now, I consider my dad a superhero.
Hopped to your blog thro' Orkut D.G.Vaishnav community . Yes Abhishek, You are absolutely right! Father is really important!
Thanks people look in more to have a wider horizon to life..
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