Mom, a motivator for Life

Its only yesterday that my mom saw this blog that I am writing, and like most of my readers she liked it too. I saw the sparkle glitter in her eyes when she was searching for spelling errors all around my blog. Mom's are always like that, you know. They generally do things which always takes us far beyond our present experience. They are always there to tell what's wrong. Weather or not they tell us what's right, they tell us what's wrong.
People don't like others finding fault at them. That's their nature. They are not ready to take suggestions from anybody. But i personally feel knowing the wrong thing is more important than doing what is right. When you know something is right, its more of a cyclic process in you. There is no question of hindrance when you know something is right. All that you have to do is keep repeating the same thing again and again. Of course when time changes the way you do it will be different. For example, when you know you are driving you car well. It needs no attaintain. It just happens in you. There is no notice to it. You will be fine with driving, all that happens is when you get a bigger car or a lemousine you would have to drive differently and that would just be a cake walk for you.
But, when you know you are not driving your car well, that NEEDS NOTICE, isn't it so? Can you imagine what are the possible actions that can occur if you don't drive your car well.? It needs more attintion, isn't it so? Your mom never wants to see you in such situation where you cannot even get up. That's the worse thing that could happen to you.
The reason why you reject this suggestion given by your mom or anybody is because you take that suggestion as a FAILURE. Because when you see suggestions are given only when something is not perfect. Now i want you to understand if by any chance you take things as failure right, there is no way you can improvise on it. Failure will always lie a failure , if you consider it so.
For you to ignite your life. Live life better you must have to take failures as feedback.
That's right, THERE ARE NO FAILURES, ONLY FEEDBACK. When you take the suggestion this way. You will develop a higher possibility in life.
And the best person i know who can improvise your life is your mom. She knows you so deep that you were drowned inside her once, remember? Anyway that was long time ago. From now, you would understand when a suggestion is on you it would motivate you. And the first person who would help you get motivated will be your loving mom.
I love my mom, so does everybody
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My mom was the important reason for me getting along with my girlfirend.
My girl once told me that she liked me only because i love my mom so much.
I waked her..."What does that mean ? "
She replied....
"Anyone who loves their mom will definitely will love thier wife"
My mom is a moivator even in the most indirect way like this...
Machi Abi semma article da.....
Moms is plural, Mom's indicates a possession - just ask your Mom
lukz like u've spent quite a lotta tym typng dis blog out..!!! gud.. nice 2 knw u balance all ur activities unlyk me... itz alwys dat i get stuck up wid orkut once i get logd in2 it... way to go mr. abi!!
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