A business owner at 17, Abishek Murthy is a veritable fountain of ideas.
An outgoing person, Abishek is a certified coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) and has done lots of training. His passion is to live life to its fullest and make others realize it. He has always been doing his best to make people live with passion.
Abishek looks forward to spreading his ideas through his work, and being one of the leading coaches in Asia. He cannot go wrong.
Friday, June 23, 2006
You Are An Amazing Marketer
In today’s world everybody is talking about marketing. I know a lot of people who have strived for years together to get into a B school to learn about marketing. All that they will be learning in the course is about segregation of the whole term. They would learn different methodologies which they could capitalize for marketing. On a general aspect What does marketing mean? Marketing generally means creating awareness, isn’t it so?
Now I want everybody who at this point of time has to privilege to read this blog that, YOU ARE A GREAT MARKETER. There is another school of thought, which says that you are a great sales man, I am not too sure about that. All that we have been doing right from our childhood is creating awareness. We are just making people around us know that we exist and that we can capable of doing something.
And, lol we have been using various tools to do that. First when we were young we just were throwing tan drums all around, peeing everywhere, litrally. Then later you found that, it was not the kind of attention that you needed so when you grew into the teens you started wearing "bright cloths or hardly any" to attract the opposite sex. And you created the necessary attention to get noticed. Now you have started a different process for creating awareness among people.
But the basic nature is that you were just creating awareness among people. Isn’t this called marketing, by doing this I don’t think you were selling yourself you were actually marketing yourself. Isn’t it so??
When the basics of marketing is creating awareness and when you have been practicing that for years together why is that you want to learn it as a subject. Don’t you think its you who could teach people around you.
Incase you would like to improve more on it, all that you have to do is to concentrate on the way in which you do. You have always been successful in marketing yourself. So all that you got to do is that,
Take charge, and remember you are the best when it comes to marketing..!!
What’s a Paradise? Its something that gives you amazing pleasure isn’t it so? May be that’s why people even without going to heaven say that it’s a paradise. They have a illusionary expression in their mind about how heaven can be. While Having this internal expression in their mind about heaven they start thinking earth is no good place to be, they probably even consider earth as bad as hell and few people think earth is even worse.
When heaven is a place where you believe its of highest possible pleasure, shouldn’t you be more active there? Because when you are at a place where you like to be, wouldn’t you be more alive there? But what does your internal representation tell about heaven?
· A place where grapes hang down so low that you can pluck it effortlessly. · Beautiful girls, i.e. Angels for you to play around with. · A masseur for your massage. · And of course streams, heavy food, et all.
With all this there would you get more active or sluggish?? All the impression about heaven that you have created till now is nothing but living a effortless life. A life where you are not bound to any responsibilities. When you imagine such a life as paradise where in which you need not have any responsibilities wouldn’t grave yard be a better choice??
The very place you are in now itself is a paradise! This world in which you are living is an amazing place to live in which you are surrounded with opportunities. Opportunities in such a vast way that your possibilities are of a greater horizon. Now its totally on your hands to make this a paradise. For this to happen you just need to live life with passion
In life one of the greatest importance that a man gives to is his EGO. He becomes victim of it. And because of this he never wants to be himself, he just wants to be something that is not in his current surrounding. He never wants to be with the crowd instead he wants to stand out thinking that standing out gives him recognition and fame. Yet he is not very sure what this recognition can lead to.
A man always wants to be like a sore thumb, sticking out. And sore thumb always hurts. It may stick out showing people, but it hurts..!!
At this point of time I remember a story that will be very suitable for this,
Once their lived a man in India. This man due to some business reasons traveled to London. After about a weeks time, this young man returned back to India. Though he returned from London, he was still in the same lifestyle. The man wore a tight denim, a body hugging black satin shirt and a new sporting hair style went to the nearest park in the town to show off his new looks. He approached a old man who was sitting on a bench and sat next to him. This old man gazed at his new multicoloured spicky hair does with flashy colors like orange, purple, green, yellow, blue, and pink. This man got annoyed and looked at the old man and said " Hey old freaky!! What’s wrong, Never done something wild? "
Then the old man replied " Well, I once got pitch drunk and had a date with a parrot, I am just wondering if you were my son "...
This is what happens, the more exclusive you try to be the more excluded you become.. So its time you learn to TAME YOUR EGO and say " I like to me myself, so let me be. "
I am totally fine! are you?? Ha Ha!! Now you don’t have to think about the bad things that’s on your shoulders now.. They have been lying there for long, You just don’t have to look at it now. Whether i am fine or not how does it affect in your well being? My wellness is not making you any better isn’t it so?
See, as individuals in the world EVERYBODY is fine, seriously! You may be fine physically even with a scar in your face, but the time you see a person without it, you are down, depressed.
All these years our life’s have been functioning like this, if my neighbor has three cars then i need four. I am sure now most people who are reading my blog can relate to what i am saying. Isn’t it true that the happiness in us fades when we compare ourselves with human being around. This generally brings out a inferiority complex in us. And in few other cases it brings out a superior one. Neither one is good.
Why compare?? You are a unique being, right? What you refer to as you is a totally unique being. There is no other person in the whole world who is similar to you in this world. Nor has one come across the same kind of experience with life as you do!! When you are so aware of the fact that "YOU ARE UNIQUE" then why compare..
Whether good or bad you can always be fine in life by just being yourself.